Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Data Controller

The company responsible for processing your data under this Privacy Policy is: AIR-VAL INTERNATIONAL, S.A.

Tax ID: A58008244

Address: C/ Ayala, 82 1º Izq. – 28001 – Madrid Email:


Phone: 936355335

Registered in the (Commercial/Public) Register: Madrid, Volume 36.780, Page 33, SecIon 8, Sheet M-658867, Entry 2

At AIR-VAL INTERNATIONAL, S.A., we recognise the importance of protecFng your personal informaFon and are commiAed to handling it responsibly and in compliance with data protecFon laws.

This privacy policy aims to regulate all aspects related to the processing of data from different users who browse or provide their personal data through the various forms on the website.


Personal Data

Personal data is informaFon that idenFfies you or makes you idenFfiable. Through the website, in the designated fields, we collect the personal data provided by the user, such as name, surname, email address, phone number, postal address, town, etc., as well as any data voluntarily provided through any social networks the user is registered on. In this case, privacy will depend on the user’s own configuraFon and the terms and condiFons of the respecFve social network.

The user’s visit to the website does not imply the provision of any personal data. However, if they do provide such data, it will be processed lawfully in accordance with the principles and rights set out in the GDPR 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 and the LOPDGDD 3/2018 of 5 December.


Purpose, DuraBon, and Legal Basis of Processing

The data provided by the user will be processed for the following purposes:

  • Respond to the user’s request or inquiry via the contact form on the The personal data provided by the user will be processed to handle and manage their request, inquiry, or any peFFon made through the form. This data will be retained as long as necessary to fulfil the request and for the period established by law, with a minimum duraFon of 3 years.
    • Legal basis: The legal basis for processing this data is the user’s consent, which they give by selecFng the acceptance checkbox for our privacy policy before sending the request. The user has the right to withdraw their consent at any Fme without affecFng the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its
  • Improve your browsing experience on the website. The data will be retained as long as the user does not withdraw their consent to the processing by deleFng the cookies, and for the period established by law, with a minimum duraFon of 3
    • Legal basis: The legal basis for improving the user’s browsing experience is the user’s consent when accepFng cookies. The user has the right to withdraw their consent at any Fme.
  • Manage our social networks and send you informaBon about our acBviBes and products. The data will be retained as long as the user does not withdraw their consent and for the legally required duraFon, with a minimum of 3 years.
    • Legal basis: The legal basis for managing social networks and sending news is the consent provided by the
  • Send communicaBons, newsleRers, or bulleBns about AIR-VAL INTERNATIONAL, S.A. products. The personal data provided by the user will be processed to send them informaFon about our products and The data will be retained as long as the user does not withdraw their consent and for a legally required period of at least 3 years.
    • Legal basis: The legal basis for this processing is the user’s consent when they accept the privacy policy before subscribing to the newsleAer.
  • Manage communicaBons through the whistleblower channel. The data provided will be processed to manage and resolve any report made via the whistleblower channel, which can be accessed through the website.
    • Legal basis: The legal basis for this processing is fulfilling a task in the public interest and legal obligaFons. The data will be retained only for as long as necessary to determine whether to invesFgate the reported facts.


Transfer or CommunicaBon of Personal Data and InternaBonal Transfers

Your data will not be communicated or transferred to third parFes, except where there is a legal obligaFon or those service providers linked to the Data Controller who act as data processors. Our servers are located in the European Union, and as a general rule, we contract service providers also located within the European Economic Area or in countries that have been deemed to have an adequate level of protecFon.

If we need to use external service providers that require the transfer of personal data outside the European Union or to countries that have not been declared to have an adequate level of protecFon, we will ensure the security and legiFmacy of the processing of your data through adequacy decisions, standard contractual clauses, binding corporate rules, excepFons, or any other instrument approved by the supervisory authority that provides adequate guarantees for the internaFonal transfer of data.

Data Update

It is important that in order for us to keep personal data updated, the user always informs us of any modificaFons. Otherwise, we do not take responsibility for their accuracy.

The user guarantees that the personal data provided is accurate, ensuring that all informaFon provided corresponds to the actual situaFon, is up to date, and is correct, and is obliged to communicate any changes.


Third-Party Data

If the user provides data of third parFes for any purpose to AIR-VAL INTERNATIONAL, S.A., they guarantee that they have obtained this data lawfully, that they have previously informed the affected parFes, obtained their consent to communicate the data, and that the informaFon provided is accurate and truthful.

Mandatory Nature of Requested InformaBon 

All our forms have an asterisk (*) next to mandatory data. If the user does not provide those fields or does not Fck the box accepFng the privacy policy, the submission of informaFon will not be allowed.

Rights of Data Subjects

You have the right to access your data and obtain confirmaFon regarding its processing, as well as a copy of the personal data being processed. You have the right to update your data and request the recFficaFon of any inaccurate data or request deleFon when the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. You may request a restricFon on the processing of your data and object to the processing of it by revoking your consent, as well as exercise the right to data portability. Likewise, you have the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on the automated processing of your personal data. You can exercise your rights by contacFng us at If you believe that your rights have not been adequately addressed, you have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority at

Processing of Data from Minors 

Anyone providing data through the forms on this website and accepFng its processing declares that they are over 14 years of age, and access to and use of the portal by those under this age is prohibited. If at any point the Data Controller detects that a minor under 14 years of age has provided personal data, we will proceed to delete such data. Furthermore, parents or guardians may in any case contact AIR-VAL INTERNATIONAL, S.A. to block the access account of minors in their care who have registered by falsifying their idenFty.

Social Networks

The purpose of tools such as Facebook, TwiAer, Instagram, etc., or other social networks is to provide visibility and promote the acFviFes developed by our organisaFon. These tools store personal data on the servers of the respecFve services and are governed by their own privacy policy. It is recommended to review and read the terms of use and privacy policy of the social network at the Fme of registraFon, considering the different configuraFon opFons regarding the level of privacy of the user profile on the social network.

Moreover, the Data Controller reserves the right to remove from its social networks any informaFon published by third parFes that violates the law, incites such acFons, or contains messages that undermine the dignity of individuals or insFtuFons. It also reserves the right to block or report the profile of the author of these messages.

Cookie Processing

A cookie is a small file that is downloaded and stored on the user’s computer when they access a webpage. Cookies allow the website, among other things, to store and retrieve informaFon about the user’s browsing habits or their device and, depending on the informaFon they contain and how the user uses their device, they can be used to recognise the user.

The user has the opFon to prevent the generaFon of cookies by selecFng the appropriate opFon in their browser sejngs. More informaFon can be found by reading our Cookie Policy.

Date of Update: 18/09/2024

AIR-VAL INTERNATIONAL, S.A. as the data controller will process your data for the purpose of sending you our newsletter with commercial new features about our services. You may access, rectify and erase your data, and also exercise other rights by consulting the additional detailed information on data protection in our privacy policy.

I have read and accept the conditions contained in the privacy policy on processing of my data to send me the newsletter.